• What is zoning?

    Zoning laws are the rules that regulate how land can be used. They can deal with the types of use or the minimum design standards required for different uses. To learn more, visit the Zoning 101 page.

  • Why is the Town’s zoning code being updated?

    New York’s zoning enabling statutes—the state laws that give towns the power to enact local zoning rules—require that zoning laws are adopted in accordance with a comprehensive plan. In 2020, the Town adopted a new Comprehensive Plan. The current zoning code and map must be updated in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.

    Furthermore, the Town’s zoning code needs to be updated to incorporate contemporary best practices and modern uses. Inconsistencies will be eliminated and graphic depictions of regulations will be included so the code is easier for people to navigate and understand.

    Updating the Town’s zoning will help ensure that future land uses are of the appropriate scale and intensity for the location. The goal is to achieve a balance between the built and natural environment, and between commercial and residential uses, while allowing for the strengthening of the local economy. 

  • What types of zoning recommendations does the Town’s Comprehensive Plan include? 

    The first two Town-wide goals of the Comprehensive Plan, which are located in Chapter 3: Land Use & Zoning, involve updating the zoning code:
    Goal 1: Update Town Code. Revise the Town Code, particularly the Zoning Chapter and other Land-Use-related chapters, to be easier to use. 
    Goal 2: Review and Update Zoning Town-Wide. Ensure that the existing zoning is appropriately located, uses are of the appropriate scale and intensity for the location, and all are consistent with the other goals of this plan.
    The objectives listed under each of these goals provide more specific details of the types of zoning updates recommended. Following the Town-Wide goals are descriptions of the goals and objectives for each hamlet, many of which can be implemented by updates to the zoning code. Land use and zoning maps are also included for each hamlet.
    To view a summary of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan as it relates to this project, click here.

  • Who is undertaking the zoning code update?

    The Town has hired the consultant team of ZoneCo and Hardesty & Hanover to lead the zoning code update process, working closely with Town Planning staff. The Town convened a Zoning Update Advisory Committee that will advise on aspects of the process. The consultant team will be producing materials with details on how the zoning might be updated that will be posted for public comment. This project is funded by the New York Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund and the Town of Southold.

  • How and when can I participate in this project?

    We will hold workshops/charrettes throughout the course of the zoning update process. We will post information on all scheduled events related to this project on this website and throughout the Town’s website. Later in the process, opportunities to participate online will be posted on this website and advertised on the Town's website. 

  • Who can I contact with additional questions about this project?

    If you have any questions about this project, e-mail vog.ynnwotdlohtuos%40etadpugninoz. Please allow at least one business day for a response.

  • Who can I contact with questions about the Town’s current zoning code?

    If you have questions related to single-family home development, visit the website of the Southold Town Building Department
    If you have other zoning questions, visit the website of the Southold Town Planning Department